Friday 19 February 2010

Jimmy Carr is a fraudulent cock

Let me tell you why, upon reflection, I wouldn't wipe my arse with Jimmy Carr. Let it be known why I find him to be one of the most overrated, repugnant personalities to have ever occupied my television screen. Here we have a comedian who professes to champion 'edgy' comedy. A comedian who proclaims to push the boundaries with his stand up routines, to be a distinctive artist in his chosen field. He'd like you to think that he is a liberal, laid back, 'hip' person; an interesting character. Surely, anyone famous, who says such offensive, politically incorrect thing's must be, right? Wrong. Jimmy Carr is the most boring, tedious, fraudulent character in the history of stand up comedy. The man has absolutely no substance.

Lets start with his routines. He gets up on stage and spews out a series of rehearsed insults and cheap one liners at the audience. It is repetitive, spiritless shit. Any person with a half creative persuasion and a degree of confidence could write and deliver this drivel. His anecdotes are formulaic and crude, most of his subject matter would be considered immature for high schoolers. His observations are obvious, his tone is annoying, and most of his puns are suspiciously familiar.

Not in my life time but lets just say, these jokes that he tells, hypothetically, you found some of them funny. Do you think they have anything to do with Jimmy Carr's actual life? Do you feel that they reflect this man's existence at all? Of course they don't. I wouldn't be surprised if Carr secretly trawls the country in disguise, sitting in pubs with a pen and paper (and a black current the boring cunt), stealing these puns from other people.

The man is so separated from his comedy its startling. His material is undoubtedly offensive; his joke about the dead soldiers in Iraq testifies this point. But do you think Jimmy Carr is an offensive person? Is he fuck. I don't think the man could offend a troop of Saint Spyridon nun's with his most 'outrageous' personal story. If Carr was actually a chauvanist, or actually a sexist, or actually a racist, as his jokes would suggest, I would have more respect for him. Not because I would be appreciating the sentiment in his material, but at least he would be getting up on stage and presenting himself, and would be displaying some degree of actuality. The man that stands before you is a con, a mere shell of a person who alludes to being something but is actually not that at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he got up in the morning, looked in the mirror and didn't recognise his own face. Then again, could anyone really fail to identify those stupid eyebrows and ridiculously fat cheeks?

From a stand-up comedian you want truth. You want the man or woman on stage to bear their soul, their inner most thoughts. You want to hear their perspective on the world. I get the feeling that Jimmy Carr would say anything to get a laugh. Richard Pryor, Stewart Lee, Bill Hicks; great comedians who have had something substantive and truthful to share, who have illuminated their audiences with personal stories, grand ideas and enlightening insights...and then you have Jimmy Carr; "Gypsy's smell." What a wanker.

From what I can deduct, the problem is that Jimmy Carr has nothing to actually bear. His take on the world is completely rational and conservative, lacking any real colour or quintessence, and therefore if he was to get up and tell us his truth, we would all be pretty unimpressed. I've seen him interviewed on a variety of talk shows, it's all shallow quips and regurgitation's of his on stage material. The man has nothing to actually say. So what the jug eared prick does is hide behind a comedy facade; immature, removed from real life jokes, that are technically sound, but lack any authenticity or intellectual value. The degree of the man's success in our country and across the pond expertly demonstrates how low intellectual awareness has fell both here and their. Critics have actually given this fella five star ratings. Now that is offensive.

Lets hope that one day Jimmy Carr actually finds his real identity and realises that he is a charlatan, that he has been all along, and retires to an arm chair, reading the daily mail and combing his ponsey hair in between tightening the strings on his tennis racket. He best do so soon before everybody realises what a fundamentally limited fuckhead he actually is.

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