Friday 12 February 2010

The curious nature of 'Mother Nature'

People in general need to stop referring to 'Mother Nature' as though she is some forlorn, incontnent grandmother who can no longer look after herself. For 'Mother Nature' is in fact an irrepressible, impervious entity, without regard for the concern, or the non-concern, of humans for her.

If nature is indeed a 'Mother' at all, she is an aloof parent, unimpressed with and uninterested in the behaviours of her narcissistic children. The title 'Mother Nature' assumes that this planet's natural physical system actually cares about us, that Earth itself has a paternal instinct to accommodate humans and make sure we're okay. Why would this be so? I wonder if the dinosaurs thought the same?

Nature shouldn't be romanticised. Chirping Blackbirds in your back garden or Wild Oryx running in the Serengeti, as lovely as they are, do not represent nature. Nature is cold and callous and unforgiving. Not to be trifled with. Nature shouldn't be thought of as an old generous friend either. Spuds weren't put in the ground with you in mind. An apple tree, a mountain, a dairy cow or any other organism which may provide you with nutrients or shelter is not a personification of nature either, not inserted by mother herself for your benefit. 'Mother Nature', is a term best used to describe the way of the universe and all its phenomona. 'She' is a complex labyrinth who transcends the material world and exists largely independent of human activity. Yes, we are a part of nature, as is the apple tree and the Wild Oryx, but 'Mother Nature' is over and above all individual things, and doesn't give a fuck about you to put it frankly.

Nature, or 'Mother Nature' for want of a better analogy, is an absolute and unwavering physical force, with no predetermined or comprehensible path. 'She' is not the boundless provider of the homosapien or the puppet master conducting the show. However nature has indeed been good to humans, it does and always has provided us with the resources to survive. However to think that this is some intentional circumstance, bestowed eternally upon us would be perverted. When humans are no longer aligned with Earth's disposition, 'Mother Nature' will not be sentimental. We will be decimated, removed like a paralytically drunk teenager in a night club. Unless we find some means of self sufficiency of course-but I cant see that happening, given that millions of humans die annually from poverty and famine in an amply provided for world.

So given that nature is so mighty, when nature's 'delicateness' is described I find it peculiar. The word of most activists would have you think that nature is fragile. It isn't. What is fragile, are the current natural conditions on Earth which are preferential to man; the temperate climate; the abundance of water; the high levels of natural resources such as vegetation, wood and gas etc. All the things which allow for a comfortable human existence are extremely fragile and susceptible to change and it seems human beings are doing their upmost to do just that.

Man is having a good run on Earth. It seems he is having his way at the moment. His achievements in technology and science, his manipulation of nature in general has made him feel strong. But just like a drug lord controlling his territory, full of his own self importance and believing his own impenetrability, a time will come when circumstances are no longer preferable for him, when conditions become out of his control and overcome the bastard. For it is natures law that nothing lasts for ever; except seemingly nature itself.

It cannot be denied that the actions of humans are influencing natures course. Man's evolution and subsequent intelligence has enabled him to do so, but how he has misused his capabilities. Mass deforestation, the plundering of the planet for materials, the pollution of Earth's atmosphere; all very deplorable and so stupid that it may make you question Darwin's evolutionary theory in the first place. Those who do not recognise man's mistreatment of nature are dangerously deluded. Those who do not see environmental harmony on Earth for as long as worldly possible, as a priority of man, are terribly mistaken. For it is in man's best interests to remain on good terms with 'Mother Nature'. Man should be placating her, accomodating her in every possible way, doing his upmost to secure her favourable services for as long as is attainable. Not the opposite. The way in which man continues to sabotage his nigh on perfect environment, given the great knowledge that he possesses, is bordering on insane.

The irony of it all is that 'Mother Nature' does not care. Not about any of it. Passionate, if fantastical, green lobbyers speak of retribution and vengeance in store for humans, but this is just a fallacy. 'Mother Nature' does not care about the melting ice caps, or dying Polar bears, the levels of CO2 which could eventually suffocate humans, or the rising sea levels which could eventually drown us. 'She' doesn't care whether the land is covered in grass or sea in the future, or sulphuric dust; or little pink frogs riding around on tricycles for that matter. 'She' just continues unperturbed, moving forward, trudging along as she always has.

For 'Mother Nature' is not a thoughtful, conscious being, with regard for the creatures 'She' has wielded. When the day of reckoning comes for man, his triumphs and achievements as well as his mistakes and misgivings will vanquish into orbit just like any of his physical elements, and 'Mother Nature' will not smile or cry or stand still, she will just continue as though we were never here.

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