Friday 5 August 2011

Creatures of Disdain

One thing I really don't like about this part of the world are the very many truly frightening organisms. My last night in Bangkok was essentially spoilt when a rat crawled past my foot as I tucked into an Egg Pattai. The little fucker nearly ruined the day. The Mosquito's are also a major concern. Scouse ankles are seemingly an exotic delicacy to these little guys, they haven't left mine alone since I got here. I was waiting for the boat earlier with two Chilean girls when I spotted what I thought was a specialist bird...oh no, wait a minute, that's just a massive, massive, fucking fly. Jesus Christ. Then there was the Moth that looked like a flying loaf of bread...these basards are going to keep me on my toes for sure. I guess it cant all be plain sailing.

Who knows though, maybe I'll learn to love the little critters, perhaps I'll experience some kind of Jeff Goldbloom metamorphisis and fly into the mountains with them, making an ultimate peace. Doubt it like.

1 comment:

Kifaya said...

wait for the flying cockroaches. we screamed down the place when one was in our room. a local came to the rescue, by catching it and then eating it. boss.