Friday 5 August 2011

Until next time

After a long, hectic day Bangkok trade comes to a close, as does my stay in Thailand's capital. Stalls fold, shutters drop and workers enjoy cold beers on steps. The warm smell of cooked meat pervades the rickety streets and there is an unusual calmness where night meets day.

My stay here has been a good one. The city has oodles of character and being very much a city dweller, I feel comfortable here. Traffics jams, girls bang and things don't always smell entirely healthy, but its all essential to the rich tapestry that is Bangkok. On this last evening the frenetic energy the place usually effuses has died down a little and I reflect upon things with a wry smile.

The guest house I have stayed in Lumphu House, just a stones throw from the main tourist spot Kaosan Road, has been friendly and accommodating. I would recommend anyone passing through to stop here. The street's are crowded with opportunist sellers; of course the locals are out to make a quick buck where they can; but once you acclimatise the place is more manageable than I had anticipated.

I take a boat taxi to the main shopping plaza, rain drizzles and the river laps gently against the banks. At face value the soaked wooden vehicle appears adverse but I'm very much at ease. Strangely I've always found comfort in the cold and wet (within reason), I could ride this boat until tomorrow if I didn't have t leave. Tonight I'll be heading to the tropical southern islands exchanging the thick blanket of dust and smoke for clear oceanic air. I imagine at least a part of me will miss the eye level smog.

However In two weeks time I will be heading back to this largely undeveloped residence. That shall be a good day.

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